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What's New Here

This page is to show what is new to this site

 Amsoil releases the eagerly awaited INJEN/AMSOIL Diesel Air Intake Systems. These are available for the Duramax, PowerStroke, and Cummins engines.


 Amsoil has released two new Severe Gear Viscocities for the Racing Market.

 Been doing several updates to my Toolbar. If you haven't DLed it yet, take a look. I have short cuts to areas on this site, as well as other handy features, eamil checker, weather, IM programs, and more.


 Added several new Dealers and Shops now able to sell Amsoil to the locator list. See if there is one in your area!


 This post is to mention a collection of updates I've done on the site. Many of these are listed on the "Welcome" Page already, but I updated the site over the past week with those and a few other tweaks. New products since the initial uploading of the site include the Ea Pre-Filters, Signature Series 0W-30 Motor Oil, Brake Fluids, and the addition of Trico Heavy Duty Wipers. Watch for some more filter announcements around March, especially if you are interested in diesel performance.

 Also I have made a toolbar that easily intigrates with Internet Explorer (IE) and Firefox and offers quick links to areas within the site, shows my blog, and other useful information. The toolbar is free.

 Videos are now being hosted on my site as well. These include the ones that were on the old site, but are now in Flash format using a built in player, rather than the Windows Media format that before caused some viewing problems for people, especially if something other than IE was being used. If you have seen my videos either on my MySpace Site or on YouTube, then you have seen some of those now listed here. In the future I also am planning to expand the media section with the addition of Podcasts.

 Other updates have been done to the site that are behind the scenes and many of these will continue and hopefully won't be noticed by you, the visitor. A newer updated Menu is already in the works and should be up soon as well as some newer brochures and updated information on different pages. Online buying has been delayed, due to computer upgrades being delayed that will host this, but it's coming.


 For those of you who have been to my site before, you probably see a lot of entirely new site. My main reason for redoing everything was so that the site is easier to navigate for the visitor and the search engine spiders that may crawl here. Most of the sections are about the same, but you'll notice the menu system is different (hopefully easier) using a pop-up menu system rather than needing to scroll through several menu lists to get to different sections. There is a sitemenu as well, that you can use, and a search engine that should find specific words and/or phrases.

I have also eliminated the inline frame that I used on my old site, as people pointed out that it would not display correctly on certain browsers, mainly those being used on UNIX machines. I've worked to try and get these pages to display correctly (or very closely) in Internet Explorer (IE), Netscape, Firefox, and Opera. This should cover most of the major browsers and hopefully will have similar results in any others. There are a few cases where I am linking to information ont he Amsoil Corporate site that so use an inline frame, but this should only be in those few circumstances that a viewer is interested in the menu item. Most of the major information is hosted here.

Enjoy the new site, and if you have any suggestions let me know. There are still a few pages (manily articles, pictures, and other media) that I am working to finish and will upload when completed. The other tweaks I want to do should be done behind the scenes and shouldn't change anything viewable. I hope this will be the last upgrade for a VERY LONG TIME. I never realized just how many pages I had here until I started converting each. I wanted to create this new site using Dreamweaver rather than FrontPage I used a few years ago, since it Dreamweaver seems to be more universally used and I could make adjustments for the pages to work in various browsers easier, while FrontPage only seemed to cater towards Microsoft's IE and was adding all sorts of extra code that would then blow up when viewed in another browser.

If you are still interested in reading any of the previous "What's New Here" entries, I've copied the old page over. I didn't clean this up using Dreamweaver (other than removing all the links that would no longer work), I just simply did a Copy/Paste job, so it might not display correctly in all browsers.

View the Old "What's New Here" Entries
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