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AMSOIL Synthetic Multi-Purpose Grease (GLC)
  • Designed for multiple use applications, including wheel bearings and electric motors
  • Excels in both high and low operating temperatures
  • Excellent adhesion properties and water resistance • Reduces repair and maintenance costs
  • Also available in a spray, perfect for hard-to-reach equipment
AMSOIL Synthetic Heavy-Duty Grease (GHD)
  • Designed for heavy-duty applications, including gears and bushings
  • Maintains consistency and protects against wear during severe mechanical activity
  • Provides high load protection and excels in temperature extremes
  • Excellent water resistance and rust protection
  • Adhesive and shear stable; prevents squeeze out
AMSOIL Synthetic Water Resistant Grease (GWR)
  • Formulated specially for wet-duty performance, providing excellent cohesiveness and adhesiveness
  • Seals metal surfaces against rust and chemically fights corrosion
  • Effectively reduces friction, helping equipment run cooler
  • Performs over a wide temperature range
  • Protects against wear, even under heavy loads
Amsoil Multi-Purpose Grease Cartridge
Amsoil Water Resistant Grease Cartridge
Amsoil Heavy Duty Grease Cartridge


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